As Mother’s Day is celebrated on 14th May 2023, I thought why not look at the spiritual influence that mothers instill among their children right from childhood to adulthood? I spoke to a couple of my friends who had similar spiritual experiences because of their mother’s trust in the spiritual journey of life. Here are some instances I have compiled of how mothers bring forth the best in their children by nurturing spiritual lessons.
1) This shall too pass:
When Arvind was facing a tough time in his academics wherein he got backlogs in his engineering degree, it was his mother who showed the right path to him and no one else. Arvind was facing low self-esteem which made it challenging for him to even look at the face of his relatives when they visited him home. He couldn’t even talk to his neighbors because everyone was eager to know if he passed or failed in his engineering. But his mother extended her full support to him and asked him to focus on the line “This phase shall too pass and you should just have faith in yourself even if no one else has”. This motivated Arvind to look at the positive direction that his life was leading him and not cry over the spoiled milk.
2) Accept that you don’t know everything:
When Sheetal was a child, her curiosity would make her ask her mother every damn question that came to her mind. Her mother acknowledged her inquisitive nature and was always willing to answer her every query. However, as Sheetal grew up, she became more or less arrogant about knowing more than her friends and cousins and was not willing to learn others’ perspectives. This nature made Sheetal’s mother understand that she shouldn’t be willing to encourage this kind of behavior. So the next time when Sheetal queried her mother, she would leave it with a short and simple answer saying that nobody knows for sure everything and that Sheetal should figure things out herself by learning and respecting others’ views. Her mother’s humble nature of admitting to the fact that she doesn’t know many things in life, made Sheetal realize her mistake and stay grounded while conversing with others.
3) Appreciating Mother Earth and Nature:
When Hari was busy with his corporate career, his mother would often ask him to accompany him to the garden that she had built outside her home. Hari would always recommend his mother have a maid get the chores done and not bother him. However, Hari’s mother would always pull him to the garden whenever she sees him binge-watching TV shows or doing nothing. Hari’s mother wanted him to learn how to be grateful for each thing that Mother Earth and Nature had given us and learn to plant and nurture trees. Her idea was to teach the timeless wisdom of appreciating the small things in life that add up to the big things that we are enjoying today.
Other important spiritual lessons that mothers usually teach their children include staying disciplined, being humble, loving unconditionally, honesty is always rewarding, never giving up in life, and always being courageous to deal with life’s various challenges.
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