“What…Spirituality and Ethics in Business?,” asked Arun to Pooja while they were sitting in the classroom during break time. “Are you serious? Why are you taking up such a boring topic on spirituality and ethics in business as your project? After all, these days, who really follows ethics? Which business owner really thinks for society? It is only profits that they think about and nothing else. If they get caught, they run away looting the poor people of the country. Integrity, cooperation, mutual understanding, service for the country and people, and giving justice to people are all old-fashioned and do not exist anymore. Don’t you read the newspapers about how harsh society is becoming?”
Arun kept on sharing his thoughts without even taking a break, “And in business, everyone knows that the reason why companies are earning such a huge turnover in such a short span of time is due to some or many unethical practices in doing their business. You know na how business owners take huge loans from the banks and run away from the country declaring that they are in debt? Who follows moral guidelines these days? Most of them are white-collared fraudsters. You should simply take up something on Marketing strategies or finance or internet industry as these are the trending topics that will get you more marks”. While Pooja was listening to all that Arun was saying with complete patience, she didn’t stop him but neither did she agree with what Arun was saying.
After Arun completed sharing his thoughts, Pooja said she is very clear that she wants to do a project for her class 9’s practical work in Spirituality and Business Ethics only. She didn’t want to change her topic just because Arun feels that no company follows spiritual and ethical practices in modern times. Instead of taking the project as primary research work, she opted to do secondary research by reading books, magazines, and newspapers and collecting information on the internet. Arun was astonished to find out that Pooja’s project book was almost 300 pages and his project book was done in just 100 pages.
Arun wanted to really know if there were companies who really were honest and ethical in their approach considering the cases of money laundering and terrorist financing are rising in today’s times. Not just Arun, but there were many of Pooja’s classmates who were interested to know if Business Ethics really happens or if it is completely a myth. Pooja, however, made a short presentation of her project to share with her friends and classmates. She made a note of three important principles of business ethics and shared the same with examples. Pooja shared how business owners should take individual and firm responsibility, and interact with their co-workers, clients, and all stakeholders in a transparent, honest, and respectful manner. She explained the importance of corporate social responsibility, maintaining goodwill, and gaining trustworthiness and loyalty towards the business as a few of the key factors for a successful business.
At the end of her presentation, Pooja also shared how more students should come forward to do projects on spirituality and business ethics because it is the students who are the future generations and will be running the businesses in the long run. It is the young students who will be taking up managerial, leadership, and ownership positions in micro, small, medium, and big organizations in the country and the world. Thus, Pooja also requested her faculty members to have a spiritual education subject as a mandatory topic during seminars that are held once a month in her school.
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